Alycia Earhart


I am a mixed media and jewelry artist living in Lawrence, Kansas.

Mixed Media

Each piece begins as a vague idea, a foggy vision, a feeling.  

Through the process of layering media, pushing and pulling details forwards and backwards, watching as shapes, colors, and textures form relationships, and letting the materials speak for themselves, each piece slowly emerges and comes to life.  

I entered the art world as a metalsmith and have been happily creating one of a kind silver and stone pieces for Oxbow Studio.  After 6 years of working with hard, rigid, and unforgiving materials, I decided to explore the world of paint and mixed media.  

Reworking canvases, pushing around paint, and the spontaneity of a well place scribble have opened up a whole new creative world, and I hope you love these works of art as much as I love making them!  


Oxbow Studio began 6 years ago in a small sunroom, just big enough for a work table and soldering station.  It was born from my lifelong love of collection and learning about different stones and minerals.  

I consider my metalsmithing work to be a collaboration between myself and Mother Nature.  By using meticulously handcrafting elements and details, and allowing the materials to speak for themselves, each design is created with the integrity of the stone and metal in mind.  

Each piece is made with love from my small home studio in Lawrence, Kansas.  


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